ELA Standards

We've built over 300 research-based writing, grammar, and proofreading activities organized by the Common Core standards. We are a nonprofit organization, and all of our activities are and will always be free. Each of our activities takes approximately 10-15 minutes. Teachers using Quill in a 1:1 classroom tend to assign Quill activities as a warm up exercise at the beginning of a class or as a group activity with the whole class.

3.1a Use adjectives & adverbs

Adjectives & Adverbs 1
Students practice writing sentences with both adjectives and adverbs by combining 3 sentences.
Adjectives, Adverbs, & Prepositional Phrases 1
Students practice writing with adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases by combining 3 or 4 sentences.
Adjectives, Adverbs, & Prepositional Phrases 2
Students practice writing with adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases by combining 3 or 4 sentences.
Adjectives & Adverbs - Weather & Climate
Students practice writing sentences with both adjectives and adverbs by combining 3 sentences.
Adjectives vs. Adverbs 2
Students practice deciding whether an adjective or an adverb is needed by rewriting sentences, filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Advanced Combining: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositional Phrases
Students learn to write descriptive sentences using adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases in this teacher-led lesson.
Adverbs of Frequency 1
Students practice deciding whether a noun or an adverb is needed by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Single Adjectives - Pirates
Students practice using adjectives by combining 2 sentences.
Single Adjectives Review (Follow-Up for Lesson 2)
Single Adjectives - Weather & Climate
Students practice using adjectives by combining 2 or 3 sentences.

3.1b Irregular & regular plural nouns

Proofreading - Navajo Nation
Students find and correct a variety of errors within a text.

3.1e Form and use the simple verb tenses

Correcting Tense Errors - Navajo Politician Annie Dodge Wauneka
Students practice forming different verb tenses by rewriting sentences, changing the bolded verb in each sentence to the right tense.

3.1f Subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement

Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement with collective nouns, interrupting phrases, indefinite pronouns, and compound subjects by filling in each blank with one of the provided verbs.
Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement 2
Students practice subject-verb agreement with collective nouns, interrupting phrases, indefinite pronouns, and compound subjects by filling in each blank with one of the provided verbs.
Either/Or, Neither/Nor, & Both/And 1
Students practice using correlative conjunctions by combining sentences. Students are provided the correct joining words to use on each prompt.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement 1
Students practice writing with pronoun-antecedent agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Errors (Follow-Up for Lesson 2)
Pronouns in Compound Subjects & Objects 3
Students practice using pronouns in compound subjects and objects by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Subject & Object Pronoun Agreement 1
Students practice using pronouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Subject & Object Pronoun Agreement 2
Students practice using pronouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Subject-Verb Agreement 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement in simple constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement 3
Students practice subject-verb agreement in simple constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement 5
Students practice subject-verb agreement in simple constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement 6
Students practice subject-verb agreement in simple constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement 8
Students practice writing with subject-verb agreement by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement - Carnivorous Plants
Students practice subject-verb agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement - Leap Years
Students practice subject-verb agreement in advanced constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Collective Nouns 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement with collective nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Collective Nouns 2
Students practice subject-verb agreement with collective nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Collective Nouns 3
Students practice subject-verb agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Compound Phrases - U.S. States
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences where the subjects are connected by "either," "neither," or "and" by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Compound Subjects 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences with a compound subject by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Compound Subjects 2
Students practice subject-verb agreement with collective nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Either/Or & Neither/Nor 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement in "either/or" and "neither/nor" constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Either/Or & Neither/Nor 2
Students practice subject-verb agreement in "either/or" and "neither/nor" constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Either/Or & Neither/Nor - Endangered Species
Students practice subject-verb agreement in "either/or" and "neither/nor" constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Either/Or & Neither/Nor - The Solar System
Students practice subject-verb agreement in "either/or" and "neither/nor" constructions by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences with indefinite pronouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns 2
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences with indefinite pronouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Interrupters 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Interrupters 2
Students practice subject-verb agreement by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Subject after the Verb 1
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences where the subject comes after the verb by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Subject after the Verb - Baking Bread
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences where the subject comes after the verb by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.
Subject-Verb Agreement with Subject after the Verb - Volcanoes in the U.S.
Students practice subject-verb agreement in sentences where the subject comes after the verb by filling in the blank with one of the provided verbs.

3.1g Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives

Better/Best & Worse/Worst 1
Students practice choosing between "better" and "best" and "worse" and "worst" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Better/Best & Worse/Worst 2
Students practice choosing between "better" and "best" and "worse" and "worst" by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Comparative & Superlative Adjectives 1
Students practice using adjectives by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined adjective to its comparative or superlative form based on the ideas in the sentence.
Comparative & Superlative Adjectives Ending in Y 1
Students practice using adjectives by rewriting sentences, changing the underlined adjective to its comparative or superlative form based on the ideas in the sentence.
Comparative vs. Superlative Adjectives 2
Students practice using comparative and superlative adjectives by filling in the blank with one of the provided options. Students are provided with 4 versions of the adjective and must choose the one that is the correct one.
Comparative vs. Superlative Adjectives 3
Students practice using comparative and superlative adjectives by filling in the blank with one of the provided options. Students are provided with 4 versions of the adjective and must choose the one that is the right degree and formed correctly.

3.1h Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions

And, Because, & Or - Animals
Students practice writing compound and complex sentences by combining sentences using "and," "because," or "or." Students are given 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Because, But, & So - American Sign Language
Students practice choosing between "because," "but," and "so" by filling in the blank with one of the provided conjunctions.
Because, But, & So - Flamingos
Students practice writing compound and complex sentences by combining sentences using "because," "but," or "so." Students are given the 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Because, But, & So - Horses
Students practice choosing between "because," "but," and "so" by filling in the blank with one of the provided conjunctions.
Because, But, & So - Saturation Diving
Students practice writing compound and complex sentences by combining sentences using "because," "but," or "so." Students are given the 3 joining words and must choose the one that best connects the ideas.
Proofreading Because, But, & So - Fireworks
Students choose the correct conjunction from the underlined choices throughout a text about fireworks.
Proofreading Because, But, & So - Preserving the Māori Language
Students choose the correct conjunction from the underlined choices throughout a text about the Māori language.
Proofreading Commas with Complex Sentences - Cranberry Bogs
Students find and correct the comma errors within a text by adding commas.
Proofreading Commas with Complex Sentences - Lab-grown Meat
Students find and correct the comma errors within a text by removing commas.
Proofreading Commas with Complex Sentences - Languages
Students find and correct the comma errors within a text by removing commas.
Proofreading Commas with Complex Sentences - Sleep
Students find and correct the comma errors within a text by adding commas.

3.1i Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences

But & So - Blue Whales
Students practice writing compound sentences by combining sentences using "but" or "so." Students are provided the correct joining word to use on each prompt.
Complex Sentences and Their Uses (Follow-Up for Lesson 1)
Joining words help show how two ideas are connected. Choose the joining word that helps explain the ideas in the sentence.
Compound Object Phrases - The Galapagos Islands
Students practice writing compound objects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Objects - Fossils
Students practice writing compound objects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Objects - Outer Space
Students practice writing compound objects by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Subject Phrases - Black Historical Figures
Students practice writing compound subjects by combining 2 sentences.
Subordinating Conjunctions Review (Follow-Up for Lesson 4)

3.2a Capitalize words in titles

Capitalizing Words in Titles 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding the correct capitalization.

3.2b Use commas in addresses

Commas in Addresses 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding commas to addresses.
Proofreading Commas in Addresses - Sending a Letter
Students add commas to addresses throughout a text.

3.2c Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue

Commas & Quotation Marks in Dialogue 1
Students rewrite sentences, adding commas and quotation marks to the dialogue.

3.2d Form and use possessives

Collective Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice choosing between collective plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Collective Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 2
Students practice choosing between collective plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Compound Possession with Two Nouns 1
Students practice writing sentences with compound possession by combining 2 sentences.
Compound Possession with Two Nouns 2
Students practice writing sentences with compound possession by combining 2 sentences.
Forming Collective Plural Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice forming collective plural possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded word in each sentence.
Forming Irregular Plural Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice forming irregular plural possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded word in each sentence.
Forming Irregular Plural Possessive Nouns 2
Students practice forming irregular plural possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the two bolded words in each sentence.
Forming Plural & Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice forming plural and possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded word.
Forming Plural Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice forming plural possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded word in each sentence.
Forming Plural & Possessive Nouns 2
Students practice forming plural and possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded words.
Forming Plural & Possessive Nouns - Animals
Students practice forming plural and possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded words.
Forming Plural, Possessive, & Plural Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice forming plural, possessive, plural possessive, collective plural possessive, and irregular plural possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded words.
Forming Plural, Possessive, & Plural Possessive Nouns 2
Students practice forming plural, possessive, plural possessive, collective plural possessive, and irregular plural possessive nouns by rewriting sentences and correcting the bolded words.
Form & Use Possessives 1
Students practice using possessive nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Lesson 1: Using Plural Possessive Nouns
Students learn to make plural nouns possessive in this teacher-led lesson.
Lesson 1: Using Singular Possessive Nouns
Students learn to make singular nouns possessive in this teacher-led lesson.
Plural Possessive Nouns - Zookeepers & Animals
Students practice making plural nouns possessive by combining sentences.
Plural & Singular Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice forming possessive nouns by combining sentences.
Plural & Singular Possessive Nouns 2
Students practice forming possessive nouns by combining sentences.
Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 1
Students practice choosing between plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 4
Students practice choosing between plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 5
Students practice choosing between plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 6
Students practice choosing between plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Plural vs. Possessive Nouns 7
Students practice choosing between plural and possessive nouns by filling in the blank with one of the provided options.
Proofreading Plural vs. Possessive Nouns - Eleanor Roosevelt
Students correct a variety errors within a text.The errors in the text are underlined.
Singular Possessive Nouns 3
Students practice using possessive nouns by rewriting sentences using the correct underlined option.
Using Plural Possessive Nouns (Follow Up for Lesson 1)
Students practice using apostrophes on plural nouns to show ownership.
Using Singular Possessive Nouns (Follow-Up for Lesson 1)
Students practice using apostrophe-s to show ownership.